This is my first image with this telescope "TS 12" Ritchey-Chretien Astrograph" and the Anti-Halo PRO Dual-Band 2″ Ha+OIII filter, I did spend a lot of time trying to set it up (the collimation is not perfect but I will get there eventually, and setting up the OAG which I couldn't get to work yet, I really can’t figure this one out but I will somehow), I used the EvoGuide 50DX APO as a Guide Scope (I know it is not the right guide scope for this telescope but it did well), I picked the The Elephant's Trunk as my target, because the other day I saw this image from Matthew Russell and I was stunning by his result and I set my goals too high, still a long way to go but overall I am very pleased with the results, It is a great Telescope, I hope to master this beast, but so far is being a great learning curve and I am having a lot of fun, I want to thank WAskywatcher for sharing his thoughts and experience with the Orion 12" Truss telescope and Ahmed Wegdan for his support.
Telescope TS-Optics 300mm/12" f/8 Ritchey-Chrétien Astrograph (truss)
Camera ZWO ASI2600MC DUO
Mount iOptron CEM120
Filters Antlia Triband RGB Ultra Filter - 2.00'' Mounted, Player One Anti-Halo Pro Dual-Band Ha+OIII Filter 2"
Location: Matthews, NC
Date: November 2023