Behold my latest image of the Hidden Galaxy! Despite the obstacles posed by Parkinson's Disease (PD), uncooperative weather, and issues with my RC telescope, I am thrilled to share this view. Special thanks to Ahmed Wegdan for helping me resolve the technical challenges. IC 342, also known as the Hidden Galaxy, is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Camelopardalis. It's called the Hidden Galaxy because it's located near the plane of the Milky Way, making it difficult to observe due to the interstellar dust. This image captures its stunning spiral arms and vibrant star-forming regions, showcasing the intricate beauty and complexity of the universe. I hope you enjoy this glimpse into the cosmos as much as I enjoyed capturing it. Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to me! Object: The Hidden Galaxy IC 342, Caldwell 5, UGC 2847, PGC 13826 Distance: 11 million light-years away Magnitude: 9.1 Discovery: W.F. Denning in 1890IC 342, also known as Caldwell 5, UGC 2847, and PGC 13826
Telescope TS-Optics 300mm/12" f/8 Ritchey-Chrétien Astrograph (truss)
Camera ZWO ASI2600MC DUO
Mount iOptron CEM120
Filters Antlia Triband RGB Ultra Filter - 2.00'' Mounted,
Location: Matthews, NC
Date: December 2024