Bode's Galaxy
This is a work based on many nights when I felt okay to step out and image for few hours, I choose this object due to its details, colors and location.
Regarding my setup I think it is time to collimate again and clean this beast.
so with no futher delay it is my privilege to present to the Astrobin community my M81 version.
Messier 81 is a grand design spiral galaxy about 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. It has a D₂₅ isophotal diameter of 29.44 kiloparsecs.
Telescope TS-Optics 300mm/12" f/8 Ritchey-Chrétien Astrograph (truss)
Camera ZWO ASI2600MC DUO
Mount iOptron CEM120
Filters Antlia Triband RGB Ultra Filter - 2.00'' Mounted,
Optolong L-eXtreme 2"
Player One Anti-Halo Pro Dual-Band Ha+OIII Filter 2"
Radian Triad Ultra 2"
Location: Matthews, NC
Date: 2024